Our Infrastructures

The School Campus provides a huge infrastructure, a vibrant atmosphere, well maintained play grounds, gardens, spacious, well lit and well ventilated class rooms.

Existing classrooms are converted into technology enabled smart classrooms equipped with Interactive Digi-board Systems with a P.C. connected to a knowledge centre inside the school campus. Smart class is a digital initiative and a comprehensive solution designed to make learning an enjoyable experience for students and enhance students’ academic performance with simple practical and meaningful use of technology.

Computer education was introduced into the school curriculum in 2002 with the intention of accelerating a creative interest in modern technology and scientific knowledge. It is fully equipped with the latest state of art, computer software, hardware and networking handled under the guidance of well qualified and experienced staff for imparting computer skills and knowledge to the students.

Our school has a library wherein, we have books on various topics and subjects. Library periods are allotted for all classes to ensure that every child of our school inculcates the good habit of reading. It aims to make the children well versed in all spheres, especially in general knowledge which is given through journals, G.K. books, news papers etc. that help them in building up their future.

The school takes special care of the students’ health. We have a medical room to deal with minor ailments and in emergency cases students are taken to the nearby hospitals. Regular medical check-up is carried out for the benefit of the children. A nurse is appointed to take care of children.

A sound mind in a sound body. The school gives due importance to physical fitness through regular physical training, sports and games. Annual sports and games are held every year. Besides, the students get opportunities to take part in the Inter-House and Inter-School Competitions.

In India, our motherland, helping the poor and the needy is not just charity, but a fundamental duty of every citizen because we say “all Indians are my brothers and sisters.” We make our children sensitive and responsive to the needs of the underprivileged brothers and sisters, thereby forming in them a heart which is spiritually, socially and nationally responsible for each other. The school has a student’s organization called Josephites Service Wing to create awareness in the minds of the students that there are persons less fortunate around them. The school hosts World Disabled Day, provides a cultural and artistic forum to express the talents of the street children, mentally retarded children and physically disabled children.

Our school takes pride in having an official school magazine. It gives children and teachers a creative forum to express their writing and artistic skills. It is also an indicator for parent to see how their children make over all development.