General Rules

Recommendations to Parents/Guardians

1. Though school can do a lot for a child, it cannot do everything. The home is the place where she/he gets her/his first education and training in citizenship . It is the chief place where her/his character is formed and developed. School education indeed promotes the growth of personality and helps to discover and develop the qualities that are in the children. In order to secure all that is best in the education of your child, maximum co- operation between the parents and the school authorities is necessary.
2. The school desires to have your co-operation and close contact with the teachers of your child in order to develop an atmosphere that is conducive to better and more effective education. This handbook is one of the links which bridges the home and the school. It will be an effective medium for parent teacher contact . We earnestly request the parents to look into this handbook every day and see to it that the lessons and home work assigned for the next day are completed. The child should be encouraged to cultivate habitual cleanliness in all her/his work.
3. Parents are expected to sign the note books when required. Failure to do so may put their children to great inconvenience.
4. When communicating with the Principal, parents/guardians are requested to mention in their letter the name of the student, class and section.
5. Parents are strictly forbidden to interview their children and the teacher in the class or the staff members in the staff room without the permission of the principal.
6. Tipping the servants either during or after the school hours must be avoided at all costs.
7. They should insist that their children devote enough time daily to learn their lessons before they come to school. On holidays some time should be devoted to study at home.
8. Parents are requested not to send for or call away their children during class hours except in case of an unforeseen emergency, and that too with the Principal’s permission.
9. Parents should understand that they cannot dictate to the Principal but the Principal has the right to say on what conditions he will admit or retain pupils in the institution.
10. Principal must be informed of the absence of the students at the earliest.
11. If a student is likely to be absent through illness for a long period, the Principal must be informed immediately through an application with the name, class and section of their ward.
12. Parents/Guardians are requested to send their wards to school in clean tidy and full uniform and in time. Ordinary communications to the parents will be made through the school diary which must be brought to school daily.
13. Tuitions, are strongly discouraged. Parents who seek admission in this school and look out for tutors, are taking a risk as they will depend on the sincerity of the tutors. Parents who have no time to give personal attention to their children should not admit or retain their children in this school.
14. Parents are requested not to enter the classrooms or interview the teacher, much less to tell their servants to do so. All dealings must be conducted through the Principal. Servants will not be permitted to remain in the school premises during class hours.
15. Parents/guardians are requested not to give any money to the children unless they receive a written notice from the school. Children should be provided with tiffin, so that they do not have to buy any eatables at all from vendors and hawkers.
16. Any communication (Request or complaint made by parents) should be addressed to the Principal and not to the class teacher. When thus communicating with the Principal the parents are requested to mention in those letters the name, class and section of their children. Parents will see that the child takes his/her diary to the school daily.
17. If the parents have any grievance against any of the teachers they are advised to meet the Principal and settle the matter amicably.
18. We don’t recommend that parents engage private tutors unnecessarily. We discourage tuition since, it may prove harmful to the real progress of the pupil.
19. No guardian is allowed to go into any classroom or go upstairs without the specific permission from school authorities.
20. Criticism of the child’s teachers or his school in the presence of child should be avoided as it is likely to affect the good name of the school and to adversely influence the child’s attitude and behaviour towards his teachers.
21. Please do not ring up the school before 7.00 a.m. Before ringing up kindly go through the pages of the calendar and diary .
22. To ensure integrity and dedication of the members of the staff, the following are the guidelines to the staff/Parents/Guardian in regard to private tuition.
(i) No member of the staff of this institution may undertake a tuition.
(ii) No staff member of this institution is permitted to visit the homes of the children to give tuition or to suggest the need of private tuition.
23. Those students who are misbehaving regularly can be expelled from the school without giving any explanation by school management.

Special Instructions to Students

1. To be friendly with one another in and out of school.
2. In your dress and behaviour keep a sense of self-respect. Right behaviour is the expression
of fine character and a good personality.
3. Be simple in your ways and words.
4. Avoid using indecent language.
5. COURTESY BEGETS COURTESY. Make use of the words “Please” and “Thank You” more
often. If you have to criticise, do not be destructive, but be constructive.
6. In all your dealings with others be polite and obliging. Always try to be a good companion to
help others and hurt nobody.
7. Respect your elders and teachers, whenever you meet
them; greet them with respect and love.
8. Before and after every class stand up for prayer.
9 No exemption shall be given from the school
programmes and functions. Every student is
supposed to take part and co-operate in the various
school activities such as cultural programmes,
sports and games, drill etc.
10. Students are exhorted to make use of the library
and reading room. Books and periodicals must be
carefully handled and kept neat and tidy.
11. English is the medium of communication in the school.
Speak only in English in the School Campus. Respect
the beauty of the school premises and report any
damage which you may observe.
12. Avoid dropping papers on the school premises and pick up
any such paper dropped by others.

Our Discipline Code

1. Be honest and truthful.
2. Respect all elders, love all equally and be kind to all
inferiors for God’s sake.
3. Love labour and be ready for any work.
4. Respect school and personal property, and take
care of it.
5. Be punctual and diligent.
6. Be clean in thought, word and deed.
7. Be just.
8. Be kind to animals.
9. Be cheerful.
10. Do to others what you wish others do to you.
11. Respect nature and public places like bus stands,
toilets, parks etc.